Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Digit Tech Survey and Tools


Example Technology Survey

Example Technology Survey

  1. How often do you get online?
  • At least once a day.
  • 2-5 times a week.
  • Once a week.
  • A few times a month or less.

2. How often do you check your email?

  • At least once a day.
  • 2-5 times a week.
  • Once a week.
  • A few times a month or less.

3. We will be exploring some very exciting technologies in our Technology in the Classroom course! We will need to use computers EVERY DAY in this class. Are you able to bring a laptop computer with you to class?

  • Yes.
  • No.

4. What technology do you have access to on a daily basis? (Check as many boxes as apply.) *

  • Personal computer
  • Smart phone or tablet
  • Computer at your school/workplace
  • Projector in the classroom
  • All of the above.
  • None of the above.

Using the numbers below, please rate your skill level with the following technology tools:

1- I have never heard of this tool.

2- I have heard of this tool.

3 - I have used this tool personally.

4 - I have used this tool with students.

5 - I have taught others how to use this tool.

Technology Tools

  1. Word processing software (e.g. Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages)
  2. Presentation software (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote, Prezi)
  3. Spreadsheet software (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers)
  4. Email software (e.g. Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail)
  5. Search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing)
  6. Typing Club
  7. Blogger
  8. Popplet
  9. Bubbl.us
  10. Lingua.ly
  11. Visual Thesaurus and Vocab Grabber
  12. Scoop.it
  13. Google Bookmarks
  14. Twitter
  15. TedEd
  16. Storify
  17. FlipGrid
  18. Padlet
  19. Socrative
  20. Jing
  21. Vocaroo
  22. SpeakPipe
  23. Schoology
  24. EdModo
  25. EdCreations
  26. Study Stack
  27. Quizlet
  28. Khan Academy
  29. English Central
  30. Wimba Voice
  31. My Homework App
  32. Teachers.IO
  33. Grammarly
  34. Camtasia
  35. Hello-Hello English
  36. Phonetics Focus App (Cambridge)
  37. Digital recording devices (e.g. smartphone, digital voice recorders, online web tools like Audacity)
  38. Rubistar
  39. SurveyMonkey
  40. Google Forms

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