Tuesday, November 30, 2021

ARBG: Alternative Routes Block Grants



What is the alternative routes block grant?

The ARBG is a competitive grant application process. Awardees use funds to implement innovative “grow your own” teacher strategies that address workforce shortages, and recruit, support, and prepare diverse teacher candidates. The grant provides funds for candidate conditional loan scholarships and program, district, and mentor supports.

We distribute program, district, and mentor funds and provide oversight and support. We partner with the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) to offer conditional loan scholarships for candidates.

Individual alternative route candidates should contact their program for details on how they can participate.

Funding structure

The Legislature provided $600,000 per year for this grant, allowing us to provide funds to support 100 candidates per year; WSAC allocated $800,000 per year for candidate conditional loan scholarships as part of this grant. We will distribute candidate-centric funding to awarded programs using the structure outlined in the table below.

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